
lenskit.splitting.crossfold_users(data, partitions, method, *, test_only=False, rng=None)#

Partition a frame of ratings or other data into train-test partitions user-by-user. This function does not care what kind of data is in data, so long as it is a Pandas DataFrame (or equivalent) and has a user column.

Caller (see Stability Levels).
  • data (Dataset) – a data frame containing ratings or other data you wish to partition.

  • partitions (int) – the number of partitions to produce

  • method (HoldoutMethod) – The method for selecting test rows for each user.

  • test_only (bool) – If True, returns splits with only testing data.

  • rng (RNGInput | None) – The random number generator or seed (see Random Seeds).

Return type:



The train-test pairs.