Metrics and Analysis#
Base Interfaces#
Base class for LensKit metrics. |
Base class for metrics that measure individual recommendation (or prediction) lists, and whose results may be aggregated to compute overall metrics. |
Base class for metrics that measure entire runs at a time. |
Interface for per-list metrics implemented as simple functions. |
Base class for most ranking metrics, implementing a |
Bulk Analysis#
Compute metrics over a collection of item lists composing a run. |
Results of a bulk metric computation. |
Basic Statistics#
Report the length of the output (recommendation list or predictions). |
Report the number of test items. |
Top-N Accuracy#
Compute the normalized discounted cumulative gain [JarvelinKekalainen02]. |
Evaluate recommendations with rank-biased precision [MZ08] with a patience parameter \(\gamma\). |
Compute recommendation precision. |
Compute recommendation recall. |
Compute the reciprocal rank [KV97] of the first relevant item in a list of recommendations. |
List and Item Properties#
Compute the _obscurity_ (mean popularity rank) of the recommendations. |