
User-based k-NN collaborative filtering.


score_items_with_neighbors(log, items, ...)


UserKNNConfig(*[, max_nbrs, min_nbrs, ...])

Configuration for ItemKNNScorer.


User-user nearest-neighbor collaborative filtering with ratings.

UserRatings(index, ratings, mean)

Dense user ratings.

class lenskit.knn.user.UserKNNConfig(*, max_nbrs=20, min_nbrs=1, min_sim=1e-06, feedback='explicit')#

Bases: BaseModel

Configuration for ItemKNNScorer.

max_nbrs: PositiveInt#

The maximum number of neighbors for scoring each item.

min_nbrs: PositiveInt#

The minimum number of neighbors for scoring each item.

min_sim: PositiveFloat#

Minimum similarity threshold for considering a neighbor. Must be positive; if less than the smallest 32-bit normal (\(1.175 \times 10^{-38}\)), is clamped to that value.

feedback: FeedbackType#

The type of input data to use (explicit or implicit). This affects data pre-processing and aggregation.

property explicit: bool#

Query whether this is in explicit-feedback mode.

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'extra': 'forbid'}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class lenskit.knn.user.UserKNNScorer(config=None, **kwargs)#

Bases: Component[ItemList, …], Trainable

User-user nearest-neighbor collaborative filtering with ratings. This user-user implementation is not terribly configurable; it hard-codes design decisions found to work well in the previous Java-based LensKit code.


This component must be used with queries containing the user’s history, either directly in the input or by wiring its query input to the output of a user history component (e.g., UserTrainingHistoryLookup).

Caller (see Stability Levels).
users_: Vocabulary#

The index of user IDs.

items_: Vocabulary#

The index of item IDs.

user_means_: Tensor | None#

Mean rating for each known user.

user_vectors_: Tensor#

Normalized rating matrix (CSR) to find neighbors at prediction time.

user_ratings_: csc_array#

Centered but un-normalized rating matrix (COO) to find neighbor ratings.

train(data, options=TrainingOptions(retrain=True, device=None, rng=None))#

“Train” a user-user CF model. This memorizes the rating data in a format that is usable for future computations.

class lenskit.knn.user.UserRatings(index, ratings, mean)#

Bases: NamedTuple

Dense user ratings.

index: int | None#

Alias for field number 0

ratings: Tensor#

Alias for field number 1

mean: float#

Alias for field number 2