Documenting Experiments#
This chapter needs to be rewritten for 2025.1.
When publishing results — either formally, through a venue such as ACM RecSys, or informally in your organization, it’s important to clearly and completely specify how the evaluation and algorithms were run.
Since LensKit is a toolkit of individual pieces that you combine into your experiment however best fits your work, there is not a clear mechanism for automating this reporting. This document is to provide guidance for what and how you should report, and how it maps to the LensKit code you are using.
Common Evaluation Problems Checklist#
This checklist is to help you make sure that your evaluation and results are accurately reported.
Pass k to your ranking metrics with the target list length for your experiment. LensKit cannot reliably detect how long you intended to make the recommendation lists, so you need to specify the intended length to the metrics in order to correctly account for it.
Reporting Algorithms#
This section is still in progress.
You need to clearly report the algorithms that you have used along with their hyperparameters.
The algorithm name should be the name of the class that you used (e.g.
). The hyperparameters are the
options specified to the constructor, except for options that only affect
algorithn peformance but not behavior.
For example:
Algorithm | Hyperparameters |
ItemKNNScorer | \(k_\mathrm{max}=20, k_\mathrm{min}=2, s_\mathrm{min}=1.0\times 10^{-3}\) |
ImplicitMFScorer |
\(k=50, \lambda_u=0.1, \lambda_i=0.1, w=40\) |
If you use a top-N implementation other than the default
, or reconfigure its candidate selector,
also clearly document that.
Reporting Experimental Setup#
The important things to document are the data splitting strategy, the target recommendation list length, and the candidate selection strategy (if something other than the default of all unrated items is used).
If you use one of LensKit’s built-in splitting strategies from splitting
without modification, report:
The splitting function used.
The number of partitions or test samples.
The timestamp or fraction used for temporal splitting.
The number of users per sample (when using
) or records per sample (when usingsample_records()
).When using a user-based strategy (either
), the test rating selection strategy (class and parameters), e.g.SampleN(5)
Any additional pre-processing (e.g. filtering ratings) should also be clearly described. If additional test pre-processing is done, such as removing ratings below a threshold, document that as well.
Since the experimental protocol is implemented directly in Python code, automated reporting is not practical.
Reporting Metrics#
Reporting the metrics themselves is relatively straightforward. The
method returns a results object
contianing the metrics for individual lists, the global metrics, and easy access
(through list_summary()
) to summary statistics
of per-list metrics, optionally grouped by keys such as model name.
The following code will produce a table of algorithm scores for hit rate, NDCG
and MRR, assuming that your algorithm identifier is in a column named model
and the target list length is in N
rla = RunAnalysis()
results = rla.measure(recs, test)
# group by agorithm
model_metrics = results.list_summary('model')
You can then use pandas.DataFrame.to_latex()
to convert algo_scores
to a LaTeX table to include in your paper.
Citing LensKit#
Finally, cite [LKPY] as the package used for producing and/or evaluating recommendations.
Michael D. Ekstrand. 2020. LensKit for Python: Next-Generation Software for Recommender Systems Experiments. In <cite>Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management</cite> (CIKM ‘20). DOI:10.1145/3340531.3412778. arXiv:1809.03125 [cs.IR].
title = "{LensKit} for {Python}: Next-Generation Software for
Recommender System Experiments",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 29th {ACM} International Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management",
author = "Ekstrand, Michael D.",
year = 2020,
url = "",
conference = "CIKM '20",
doi = "10.1145/3340531.3412778"
pages = "2999--3006"