Data Model#
LensKit defines holistic data model for recommender training (and evaluation) data. The model is graph-structured, but the interfaces and definitions center tabular (data frame) views of that data for ease of training across a variety of statistical modeling packages.
Apache Arrow is used as the common format for data, and data type definitions are drawn from there. Data is transparently converted to NumPy arrays, Pandas series or data frames, Torch tensors, etc. as requested.
Most code will either use one of the predefined dataset loading functions (such
as load_movielens()
) or the
to create data sets (see Datasets).
Working with the data directly as a heterogeneous graph for integration with packages like PyTorch-Geometric is not difficult, and will be directly supported in an upcoming backwards-compatible revision.
Core Concepts#
The LensKit data model has several core concepts, derived from entity-relationship database model:
- Entity#
The items, users, sessions, etc. about which the data set records data. In a graph view of the data, these are the nodes in the graph.
- Entity Class#
Each entity has a particular class, such as
, based on its role in the dataset. All data sets have at least theitem
entity class. Entities do not have subtypes in the raw data model; if components want to conceptually treat entities as having subtypes, such as different types of items, they can use attributes to distinguish the different subtypes.- Entity Identifier#
Each entity has a unique (within its type) identifier. Entity identifiers can be either integers or strings.
- Attribute#
Entities can have one or more attributes. Attributes are consistent within an entity type, and are nullable (any individual entity may be missing a value for an attribute).
- Relationship#
A relationship connects two (or more) entities and may have additional attributes attached to the relationship itself. Relationships may also be repeated (more than one relationship record may exist for the same combination of entities).
- Relationship Class#
Relationship classes are like entity classes, but describe the type of a particular relationship. This allows for models or client code to query for records of a particular relationship, such as “follows” or “purchased”.
- Interaction#
An interaction is a specific type of relationship record that records an interaction between two or more entities, such as a user rating a book, or a user purchasing a product in a particular session. Interactions usually, but not always, have timestamps.
Entities in the LensKit data model represent individual objects in the data, such as users or items. An entity is defined by its class and identifier, and nothing else is directly recorded about the entity itself — the interesting data resides in its attributes and relationships.
Entity identifiers can be integers or strings.
Every data set has the entity class item
for the items that may be
recommended. Most datasets also have the class user
. Session-aware
recommendation data sets may have an entity class session
When representing entities or entity data in tabular form, identifiers are
stored in a column named <class>_id
(e.g. item_id
). Dataset functions
that map identifiers to 0-based contiguous array indexes will use the
for this index, referred to as the entity number.
Entities (and relationships) can have associated attributes providing data about that entity, relationship, or interaction. This can be anything from a timestamp to review text to complex item metadata. Attributes are associated with entity or relationship classes, and have types that must be consistent across the class (each entity or relationship class has a schema defining its attributes and their types).
Attributes come in several forms (called a layout):
Scalar attributes store a single value for each entity or relationship instance. The value can be any type supported by NumPy or Apache Arrow. Attribute values may be missing.
List attributes store zero or more values for each entity or relationship instance. List elements must have the same type.
Vector attributes store a fixed-length vector of integer or floating-point values for each entity or relationship instance. The vector length is defined by the entity or relationship class, and must be the same for all instances of that class for which the vector attribute is defined. The vector dimensions may have associated labels or names, or they may just be numbered (e.g., for representing embeddings from a language model).
Sparse attributes are vector attributes that are stored in compressed sparse format, with missing values understood to be 0.
Attribute Name Restrictions#
Attribute names can be freely chosen, subject to a few lightweight restrictions:
Within an entity or relationship class, names must be unique.
For each entity class
, the names$FOO_id
are reserved by LensKit and cannot be used by user-defined attributes (on any entity or relationship). We recommend avoiding all attribute names of the form$FOO_<ident>
Unsupported Features#
In the initial release of the new LensKit data model (in 2025.1), not all possible attribute and entity or relationship class combinations are supported. In particular, relationships can only have scalar attributes. We intend to relax this restriction in the future, with more time to determine an ergonomic API for accessing such data. All attribute formats are supported for entities.
Repeated relationships are also not yet fully supported. Support is planned for LensKit 2025.2.
Relationships are links between two (or more) entities, optionally with associated attributes. They are further divided into classes, with each class defining its own set of relationship attributes.
Most relationships are between entities of different classes, in which case the
entity identifiers are stored in <class>_id
(or <class>_num
) columns.
For self-relationships, however, this is not possible; such relationships must
define aliases for one or more of their appearances, and LensKit uses these
aliases to derive the appropriate column names. For example, a relationship
class that encodes citation relationships in a research paper recommender system
would be a self-relationship between items. It can alias item
to citing
and cited
, in which case the item identifiers are taken from citing_id
and cited_id
columns (or citing_num
and cited_num
Entity and relationship class names must be unique (you cannot use the same name for an entity class and a relationship class).
An interaction is a relationship that indicates some kind of interaction between entities for the purposes of learning and evaluating recommendations, such as purchasing, shelving, clicking, or rating. There is no logical difference between relationships and interactions; an interaction class is just a relationship class that has been declared to represent interactions, so that client and model code knows to treat it as interaction data. Most data sets define a single interaction class, but can define more than one.
Interactions should always involve the
entity class, without an alias, preferably as the last entity class in the relationship definition.Interactions usually have timestamps (although this is not strictly required). Timestamps can be either integers (treated as UNIX timestamps) or Arrow timestamp types.
The dataset can designate a default interaction class so that model code can request the “interactions” without needing to know the different classes involved. If no default class is specified, and more than one class is defined, it is an error to request the interactions without specifying an interaction class.
Certain attribute names, if defined, have particular meaning for interaction records:
The date and time of the interaction, as a UNIX or Arrow timestamp.
A user-supplied rating for the user-item pair.
A count of the interactions between this pair. If client code requests an matrix of interaction counts, and this attribute is defined, then its sum is used as the total count of interactions between the entities. If no
attribute is defined, then a matrix of interaction counts is computed by counting the interaction records.Todo
Define what happens when
is NULL.
The order of entity classes in an interaction type is mildly meaningful: it is convention for the last entity class to be the item, and for “interactor” (e.g., user or session) to be first.
A data schema (DataSchema
) defines the layout of the
tables, entity types, and relationship types. Client code will rarely need to
create or work with the schema directly; it is created and maintained by the
Internal Representation#
Data should only be accessed through the Dataset
API, as
the internal storage is subject to change. Logically, each entity or
relationship type is represented as a table, consisting of:
One or more entity identifier or number columns
Zero or more attribute columns
Data may be internally broken into sub-tables for efficiency (e.g., for very sparse attributes), but this is the logical view. Internally, relationships use entity numbers instead of entity IDs to record the entities involved in a relationship record.
As of LensKit 2025.1, the native format for storing a dataset on disk (used by
and load()
) is a
directory with a schema.json
file containing the serialized logical schema
and a Parquet file <class>.parquet
for each entity or relationship class
containing the identifiers and attribute values. For entity classes,
contains both the entity IDS and entity numbers.