

BiasedSVD(features, *[, damping, bias, ...])

Biased matrix factorization for implicit feedback using SciKit-Learn's SVD solver (sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD).

class lenskit.algorithms.svd.BiasedSVD(features, *, damping=5, bias=True, algorithm='randomized')#

Bases: Predictor

Biased matrix factorization for implicit feedback using SciKit-Learn’s SVD solver (sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD). It operates by first computing the bias, then computing the SVD of the bias residuals.

You’ll generally want one of the iterative SVD implementations such as lennskit.algorithms.als.BiasedMF; this is here primarily as an example and for cases where you want to evaluate a pure SVD implementation.

  • bias (Bias)

  • algorithm (Literal['arpack', 'randomized'])

fit(data, **kwargs)#

Train a model using the specified ratings (or similar) data.

  • data (Dataset) – The training data.

  • kwargs – Additional training data the algorithm may require. Algorithms should avoid using the same keyword arguments for different purposes, so that they can be more easily hybridized.


The algorithm object.

predict_for_user(user, items, ratings=None)#

Compute predictions for a user and items.

  • user – the user ID

  • items (array-like) – the items to predict

  • ratings (pandas.Series) – the user’s ratings (indexed by item id); if provided, they may be used to override or augment the model’s notion of a user’s preferences.


scores for the items, indexed by item id.

Return type:



Get the parameters for this algorithm (as in scikit-learn). Algorithm parameters should match constructor argument names.

The default implementation returns all attributes that match a constructor parameter name. It should be compatible with sklearn.base.BaseEstimator.get_params() method so that LensKit alogrithms can be cloned with sklearn.base.clone() as well as lenskit.util.clone().


the algorithm parameters.

Return type:
