

Bias([items, users, damping])

A user-item bias rating prediction algorithm.

class lenskit.algorithms.bias.Bias(items=True, users=True, damping=0.0)#

Bases: Predictor

A user-item bias rating prediction algorithm. This implements the following predictor algorithm:

\[s(u,i) = \mu + b_i + b_u\]

where \(\mu\) is the global mean rating, \(b_i\) is item bias, and \(b_u\) is the user bias. With the provided damping values \(\beta_{\mathrm{u}}\) and \(\beta_{\mathrm{i}}\), they are computed as follows:

\[\begin{align*} \mu & = \frac{\sum_{r_{ui} \in R} r_{ui}}{|R|} & b_i & = \frac{\sum_{r_{ui} \in R_i} (r_{ui} - \mu)}{|R_i| + \beta_{\mathrm{i}}} & b_u & = \frac{\sum_{r_{ui} \in R_u} (r_{ui} - \mu - b_i)}{|R_u| + \beta_{\mathrm{u}}} \end{align*}\]

The damping values can be interpreted as the number of default (mean) ratings to assume a priori for each user or item, damping low-information users and items towards a mean instead of permitting them to take on extreme values based on few ratings.

  • items (bool) – whether to compute item biases

  • users (bool) – whether to compute user biases

  • damping (float | tuple[float, float]) – Bayesian damping to apply to computed biases. Either a number, to damp both user and item biases the same amount, or a (user,item) tuple providing separate damping values.

mean_: float#

The global mean rating.

item_offsets_: Series | None#

The item offsets (\(b_i\) values).

user_offsets_: Series | None#

The user offsets (\(b_u\) values).

fit(data, **kwargs)#

Train the bias model on some rating data.

  • ratings (DataFrame) – a data frame of ratings. Must have at least user, item, and rating columns.

  • data (Dataset)


the fit bias object.

Return type:


transform(ratings, *, indexes=False)#

Transform ratings by removing the bias term. This method does not recompute user (or item) biases based on these ratings, but rather uses the biases that were estimated with fit().

  • ratings – The ratings to transform. Must contain at least user, item, and rating columns.

  • indexes (bool) – if True, the resulting frame will include uidx and iidx columns containing the 0-based user and item indexes for each rating.


A data frame with rating transformed by subtracting user-item bias prediction.


Transform ratings by removing the bias term.


Transform a user’s ratings by subtracting the bias model.


ratings (pandas.Series) – The user’s ratings, indexed by item. Must have at least item as index and rating column.


The transformed ratings and the user bias.

Return type:


inverse_transform_user(user, ratings, user_bias=None)#

Un-transform a user’s ratings by adding in the bias model.

  • user – The user ID.

  • ratings (pandas.Series) – The user’s ratings, indexed by item.

  • user_bias (float or None) – If None, it looks up the user bias learned by fit.


The user’s de-normalized ratings.

Return type:


fit_transform(data, **kwargs)#

Fit with ratings and return the training data matrix transformed.


data (Dataset)

Return type:


predict_for_user(user, items, ratings=None)#

Compute predictions for a user and items. Unknown users and items are assumed to have zero bias.

  • user – the user ID

  • items (array-like) – the items to predict

  • ratings (pandas.Series) – the user’s ratings (indexed by item id); if provided, will be used to recompute the user’s bias at prediction time.


scores for the items, indexed by item id.

Return type:


property user_index#

Get the user index from this (fit) bias.

property item_index#

Get the item index from this (fit) bias.