Logging, progress, and resource records.
- class lenskit.logging.LoggingConfig#
Configuration for LensKit logging.
This class is intended as a convenience for LensKit applications to set up a useful logging and progress reporting configuration; if unconfigured, LensKit will emit its logging messages directly to
, which you can configure in any way you wish.- Stability:
- Caller (see Stability Levels).
- set_stream_mode(mode)#
Configure the standard error stream mode.
- Parameters:
mode (Literal['full', 'simple', 'json'])
- set_verbose(verbose=True)#
Enable verbose logging.
It is better to only call this method if your application’s
option is provided, rather than passing your verbose option to it, to allow theLK_LOG_LEVEL
environment variable to apply in the absence of a configuration option.
- set_log_file(path, level=None, format='json')#
Configure a log file.
- apply()#
Apply the configuration.
- lenskit.logging.basic_logging(level=20)#
Simple one-function logging configuration for simple command lines.
- Stability:
- Caller (see Stability Levels).
- Parameters:
level (int)
- lenskit.logging.notebook_logging(level=20)#
Simple one-function logging configuration for notebooks and similar.
- Stability:
- Caller (see Stability Levels).
- Parameters:
level (int)
- class lenskit.logging.Progress(*args, **kwargs)#
Base class for progress reporting. The default implementations do nothing.
- Parameters:
args (Any)
kwargs (Any)
- update(advance=1, **kwargs)#
Update the progress bar.
- finish()#
Finish and clean up this progress bar. If the progresss bar is used as a context manager, this is automatically called on context exit.
- lenskit.logging.item_progress(label, total=None, fields=None)#
Create a progress bar for distinct, counted items.
- Parameters:
label (str) – The progress bar label.
total (int | None) – The total number of items.
fields (dict[str, str | None] | None) – Additional fields to report with the progress bar (such as a current loss). These are specified as a dictionary mapping field names to format strings (the pieces inside
), and the values come from extra kwargs toProgress.update()
; mapping toNone
use defaultstr
- Return type:
- lenskit.logging.set_progress_impl(name, *options)#
Set the progress bar implementation.
- class lenskit.logging.Task(label, *, file=None, parent=None, reset_hwm=None, task_id=<factory>, parent_id=None, subprocess=False, status=TaskStatus.PENDING, start_time=None, finish_time=None, duration=None, cpu_time=None, peak_memory=None, peak_gpu_memory=None, subtasks=<factory>, **data)#
A task for logging and resource measurement.
A task may be top-level (have no parent), or it may be a subtask. By default, new tasks have the current active task as their parent. Tasks are not active until they are started (using a task as a context manager automatically does this, which is the recommended process).
The task-tracking mechanism is currently designed to support large tasks, like training a model or running batch inference; it is not yet designed for fine-grained spans like you would see in OpenTelemetry or Eliot.
The notion of the “active task” does not yet support multi-threaded tasks.
- Stability:
- Caller (see Stability Levels).
- Parameters:
file (PathLike[str] | None) – A file to save the task when it is finished.
parent (Task | UUID | None) – The parent task. If unspecified, uses the currently-active task.
reset_hwm (bool | None) – Whether to reset the system resource high-water-marks at the start of this task. Only effective on Linux, but allows for measurement of the peak memory use of this task specifically. If unspecified, it resets the HWM if there is no parent.
label (str)
task_id (UUID)
parent_id (UUID | None)
subprocess (bool)
status (TaskStatus)
start_time (float | None)
finish_time (float | None)
duration (float | None)
cpu_time (float | None)
peak_memory (int | None)
peak_gpu_memory (int | None)
subtasks (Annotated[list[Annotated[Task, SerializeAsAny()]], BeforeValidator(func=~lenskit.logging.tasks._dict_extract_values, json_schema_input_type=PydanticUndefined)])
data (Any)
- task_id: UUID#
The task ID.
- subprocess: bool#
Whether this task is a subprocess of its parent. Subprocess task CPU times are not included in the parent task times.
- status: TaskStatus#
The task’s current status.
- duration: float | None#
Task duration in seconds. Measured using
, so it may disagree slightly with the difference in start and finish times.
- peak_memory: int | None#
Peak memory usage (max RSS) in bytes. Only available on Unix; individual task peak memory use is only reliable on Linux (MacOS will report the max memory used since the process was started).
- subtasks: Annotated[list[SerializeAsAny[Task]], BeforeValidator(_dict_extract_values)]#
This task’s subtasks.
- model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'extra': 'allow'}#
Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].
- model_post_init(context, /)#
This function is meant to behave like a BaseModel method to initialise private attributes.
It takes context as an argument since that’s what pydantic-core passes when calling it.
- Parameters:
self (BaseModel) – The BaseModel instance.
context (Any) – The context.
- Return type:
- save_to_file(path, monitor=True)#
Save this task to a file, and re-save it when finished.
- start()#
Start the task.
- finish(status=TaskStatus.FINISHED)#
Finish the task.
- Parameters:
status (TaskStatus)
- update()#
Update the task’s resource measurements and save the file (if one is set).
- monitor_refresh()#
Refresh method called by the monitor backend.
- lenskit.logging.get_logger(name, *, remove_private=True, **init_als)#
Get a logger. This works like
, except the returned proxy logger is quiet (only WARN and higher messages) if structlog has not been configured. LensKit code should use this instead of obtaining loggers from Structlog directly.It also suppresses private module name components of the logger name, so e.g.
becomes ``lenskit.pipeline`.- Params:
- name:
The logger name.
- remove_private:
Set to
to keep private module components of the logger name instead of removing them.- init_vals:
Initial values to bind into the logger when crated.
- Returns:
A lazy proxy logger. The returned logger is type-compatible with
, but is actually an instance of an internal proxy that provies more sensible defaults and handles LensKit’s TRACE-level logging support.- Parameters:
- Return type:
- lenskit.logging.trace(logger, *args, **kwargs)#
Emit a trace-level message, if LensKit tracing is enabled. Trace-level messages are more fine-grained than debug-level messages, and you usually don’t want them.
This function does not work on the lazy proxies returned by
and similar — it only works on bound loggers.- Stability:
- Caller (see Stability Levels).
- Parameters:
logger (BoundLogger)
args (Any)
kwargs (Any)
- lenskit.logging.stdout_console()#
Get a console attached to
- class lenskit.logging.Stopwatch(start=True)#
Timer class for recording elapsed wall time in operations.
Logging pipeline configuration. |
LensKit background monitoring. |
LensKit logging processors and converters. |
Measure resource consumption. |
Timing support |
Abstraction for recording tasks. |
Extended logger providing TRACE support. |
Support for logging from worker processes. |