2025 Releases ============= The 2025 release series is **currently in development** for release in January 2025. 2025 will bring breaking changes to several LensKit APIs to improve ergonomics, correctness-by-default, and flexibility. It also adopts SPEC0_, a standard for supported versions of scientific Python libraries, and changes the LensKit version number scheme to “:ref:`SemCalver`”. See :ref:`migrating` for information on how to upgrade your code. .. _SPEC0: https://scientific-python.org/specs/spec-0000/ .. _2025.1: 2025.1 (in progress) -------------------- The first 2025 release is currently in-progress. The changes in this release are too numerous and fundamental to fully document in traditional release notes. See the following for release update documentation: - :ref:`migrating` for conceptual changes and how to upgrade your code. - The notes below for *behavior* changes (e.g. new defaults, new metric capabilities), and small bits not covered in the migration guide. - The full changelog in the `Git history `_ and `issue/PR milestone `_. Breaking Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LensKit 2025 has many breaking changes, with the migration guide (:ref:`migrating`) documenting the major ones. Below are some smaller ones not covered by that document: * Where Pandas data frames are still used, the standard user and item columns have been renamed to ``user_id`` and ``item_id`` respectively, with ``user_num`` and ``item_num`` for 0-based user and item numbers. This is to remove ambiguity about how users and items are being referenced. * The ``Popular`` recommender has been removed in favor of :class:`~lenskit.basic.PopScore`. * The DCG metric has been removed, as it is basically never used and was not useful as a part of the NDCG implementation. New Features (incremental) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Many LensKit components (batch running, model training, etc.) now report progress the progress API in :mod:`lenskit.logging.progress`, and can be connected to Jupyter or Rich. * Added RBP top-N metric (:pr:`334`). * Added command-line tool to fetch datasets (:pr:`347`). Metric Behavior Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. important:: Some LensKit metric default has been changed; this results in values different from those computed by previous versions, either more correct or more consistent with common practice. * The :class:`~lenskit.metrics.NDCG` metric now defaults to *ignore* rating values. Model Behavior Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most models will exhibit some changes, hopefully mostly in performance, due to moving to PyTorch. There are some deliberate behavior changes in this new version, however, documented here. * ALS models only use Cholesky decomposition (previously selected with the erroneously-named ``method="lu"`` option); conjugate gradient and coordinate descent are no longer available. Cholesky decomposition is faster on PyTorch than it was with Numba, and is easier to maintain. * The default minimum similarity for :class:`~lenskit.algorithms.knn.UserUser` is now :math:`10^{-6}`. * k-NN algorithms no longer support negative similarities; ``min_sim`` is clamped to be at least the smallest normal in 32-bit floating point (:math:`1.75 \times 10^{-38}`). * The :mod:`implicit` bridge algorithms no longer look at rating values when they are present. * Bias is no longer optional for :class:`~lenksit.als.BiasedMFScorer` and :class:`~lenskit.funksvd.FunkSVD`; both are inherently biased models, and FunkSVD is not commonly used. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed bug in NDCG list truncation (:issue:`309`, :pr:`312`). * Corrected documentation errors for :py:func:`~lenskit.metrics.recall` and :py:func:`~lenskit.metrics.hit` (:pr:`369` by :user:`lukas-wegmeth`). Dependencies and Maintenance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Bumped minimum supported dependencies as per SPEC0_ (Python 3.11, NumPy 1.24, Pandas 2.0, SciPy 1.10). * Added support for Pandas 2 (:pr:`364`) and Python 3.12. * Improved Apple testing to include vanilla Python and Apple Silicon (:pr:`366`). * Updated build environment, dependency setup, taskrunning, and CI to more consistent and maintainable. * Removed legacy random code and SeedBank usage in favor of SPEC 7 (see :ref:`rng`). * Code is now auto-formatted with Ruff.