.. _migrating: Migrating from LensKit 0.x ========================== .. versionchanged:: 2025.1 Everything. LensKit 2025.1 brings the largest changes to LensKit's APIs and operation since moving to Python. These changes are a result of years of experience using and teaching the current Python APIs, talking with users (and non-users), and understanding limitations of the previous design in the modern recommendation and machine learning landscape, and “pathway limitations” — things that were technically possible, but the design did not make it clear how to achieve them. The recommendation models and evaluation metrics retain their behavior from previous versions of LensKit, but their interfaces and the surrounding infrastructure are significantly different. The new changes will also enable new functionality that is planned for upcoming versions of LensKit, such as first-class content-based and hybrid models, and support for additional recommendation tasks such as session- or context-based recommendation. Change Highlights ----------------- The major changes that client or research code will need to adapt to largely fall into the following categories: - **Data structures** — LensKit now uses recommender-oriented data abstractions, such as :class:`~lenskit.data.Dataset` (see :ref:`datasets`) and :class:`~lenskit.data.ItemList`, instead of storing everything directly in Pandas data frames. All data structures support round-tripping with data frames (and often other structures); the default user and item column names have changed (to ``user_id`` and ``item_id``). - **Computational infrastructure** — LensKit models now mostly use PyTorch instead of Numba-accelerated NumPy code. This speeds forward compatibility, as Numba was often a release bottleneck. There are no limits on what can be used in models, however — TensorFlow and Jax models should work just fine in LensKit. LensKit also uses SPEC 7 instead of SeedBank for configuring random number generation support (see :ref:`rng`). - **Pipelines** — LensKit recommendation is now built around *pipelines* (see :ref:`pipeline`) consisting of individual *components*, such as scoring models and rankers. - **Queries** — requests for recommendations are now encapsulated in a “query” (implemented by :py:class:`~lenskit.data.RecQuery`) containing the different features to identify and describe a recommendation request, such as a user identifier, historical ratings, or session information (see :ref:`queries`). - **Reorganization** — the ``lenskit.algorithms`` package is gone, and recommendation components are directly in packages such as :py:mod:`lenskit.basic` and :py:mod:`lenskit.als`. - **Evaluation** — the new :py:class:`~lenskit.metrics.RunAnalysis` class provides unified handling of both prediction and recommendation metrics, summary statistics, and better defaults and handling for missing data. It also directly supports “global” metrics that are computed over an entire run instead of one list at a time. .. important:: The default options of some metrics, particularly :class:`~lenskit.metrics.NDCG`, has changed, resulting in different values than previous versions of LensKit. Loading Data ------------ New code should use :py:func:`lenskit.data.from_interactions_df` to convert a Pandas data frame into a :py:func:`~lenskit.data.Dataset`, or one of the standard loaders such as :py:func:`lenskit.data.load_movielens`. :class:`~lenskit.data.DatasetBuilder` provides more fine-grained control over building datasets, including addition entity and interaction attributes. While most LensKit data frame code still recognizes the legacy ``user`` and ``item`` columns from LensKit 0.14 and earlier, data frames of LensKit data should use the column names ``user_id`` and ``item_id`` instead, to unambiguously distinguish them from user and item numbers. Additional dataset construction support and possible implementations (e.g. database-backed datasets) are coming, but this is the migration path for the typical code patterns used in LensKit 0.14 and earlier. .. tip:: The :py:func:`~lenskit.data.load_movielens` function can now directly load MovieLens data from the ``.zip`` files distributed by GroupLens, without needing to extract them first. It also automatically detects which version of the MovieLens data you are loading. Data Structures --------------- Where older versions of LensKit used Pandas data frames and series as the primary data structures for interfacing with components, LensKit 2025 introduces new data abstractions specifically for handling recommender data, but that support conversion to and from data frames. The core ones are: - :class:`~lenskit.data.ItemList` represents a list of items, optionally with scores or other fields (e.g. ratings). Item lists can convert between item IDs and item numbers, using a vocabulary, and can be converted to and from Pandas data frames. Their fields (including the item numbers) can also be retrieved in multiple formats, including NumPy arrays (the default), Pandas :class:`~pandas.Series`, and PyTorch tensors. Format conversions are zero-copy whenever possible. - :class:`~lenskit.data.Vocabulary` represents a collection of item or user IDs (or other ID-like things, such as tags), and supports bidirectional mapping between such IDs and contiguous 0-based indices (numbers) for indexing into arrays and matrices. This was not used as a part of an API in LensKit before, but was implemented internally by many components using the Pandas :class:`~pandas.Index` data structure. Vocabularies centralize that logic (and use :class:`~pandas.Index` under the hood), so that we don't duplicate it so much across the codebase and to enable multiple models trained on the same data to share the same index. If you are implementing a model component that needs to store vectors or matrices of user or item data, consider using the vocabulary to associate those with user and item IDs. - :class:`~lenskit.data.ItemListCollection` represents a collection of item lists indexed by keys, such as the test items for users a test data split, or the recommendation lists for users in an experiment. It supports conversion to and from Pandas data frames. Future releases will support additional formats, such as DuckDB. Motivation .......... These data structures, and the data set abstraction, are something of a departure from one of the design principles originally set out for LensKit for Python :cite:p:`lkpy`; specifically, to use standard data structures for interchange between components. There are three primary reason for this change: * While Pandas data frames and series are widely used and supported by many libraries, they are not self-documenting: a Python method returning a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` is not enough to know what columns in that data frame. Things are further complicated with Pandas indexes, requiring elaborate discussions of exact data frame and series layouts in the documentation. This also sometimes resulted in bugs with incorrect layouts, particularly if an index was incorrectly configured. Dedicated abstractions are more self-documenting, particularly in modern Python with type annotations and good IDE support. * Many libraries work directly with arrays and sparse matrices instead of Pandas data structures, requiring data conversion and translation that is often repeated in different model components. First-class support for multiple data formats in a single abstraction reduces the work needed to implement a model with PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, or any other library. * When chaining together multiple components, data always needed to be converted to and from Pandas at the component interface boundary. This meant that two components both using PyTorch needed to convert to Pandas (possibly moving from GPU to CPU) at the interface, and then convert back to PyTorch. A unified interface with lazy, zero-copy conversion means that two components using the same compute support do not need to convert data in order to interface, while still supporting composition with arbitrary components using different compute layers. Since the new data structures, particularly :class:`ItemList`, are thin abstractions on top of arrays, these are hopefully still as easy (or easier) to use and integrate, and provide much easier support for implementing new components with your choice of support libraries. Configuring Recommenders ------------------------ In LensKit 0.3 through 0.14, you configured a recommender by instantiating an *algorithm*, and then calling ``Recommender.adapt`` to make sure it implemented the ``Recommender`` interface. LensKit 2025 introduces the *pipeline* design; you configure the core recommendation model in a very similar way (constructor arguments), and pass it to :py:func:`~lenskit.pipeline.topn_pipeline` instead of ``Recommender.adapt``. The resulting pipeline object can be directly used by the batch inference facilities. The model and pipeline training method is now named ``train``, so after creating the pipeline, you will call :py:meth:`~lenskit.pipeline.Pipeline.train`:: pipe.train(dataset) See :ref:`pipeline` for more details on pipelines and how you can reconfigure them for very different ways of turning scoring models into full recommenders. This replaces the old ``fit`` method on algorithm objects. .. note:: Since 2025, we no longer use the term “algorithm” in LensKit, as it is ambiguous and promotes confusion about very different things. Instead, we have “pipelines” consisting of ”components”, some of which may be ”models” (for scoring, ranking, etc.). .. _migrate-component-config: Configuration Components ........................ Individual components now use Pydantic_ models to represent their configuration (e.g. hyperparameters). This is to reduce redundancy, improve documentation, enable consistent serialization, and validate parameter values in a consistent and automated fashion. See :ref:`component-config` for details. Obtaining Recommendations ------------------------- In previous LensKit versions, you would get recommendations by calling the `recommend` method and providing the user ID, recommendation count, and optionally the user's current historical ratings. In LensKit 2025, you invoke the *pipeline* to obtain recommendations. In a standard recommendation pipeline, the recommendations are produced by a component called ``recommender``; you can obtain them with the :func:`~lenskit.recommend` function: .. code:: python from lenskit import recommend recs = recommend(pipe, user_id) This method returns an :py:class:`~lenskit.data.ItemList` containing the recommended items. You can optionally specify candidate items with an ``items=`` parameter to ``run`` (it takes an :py:class:`~lenskit.data.ItemList`), or a list length with ``n=`` (you can also bake a default list length into the pipeline when you call :py:func:`~lenskit.pipeline.topn_pipeline`). .. important:: The input specifying the user identifier is now called a ``query``, in order to support recommendation tasks beyond simple user-based recommendation such as context-based or session-based recommendation. Batch Inference --------------- The :py:func:`~lenskit.batch.recommend` and :py:func:`~lenskit.batch.predict` functions still exist, and now work on pipelines instead of “algorithms”. They no longer return data frames; instead, they return an :py:class:`~lenskit.data.ItemListCollection` containing the item lists produced by the recommender or predictor / scorer components. You can also use the more flexible :py:class:`~lenskit.batch.BatchPipelineRunner` to do things like extract multiple component outputs for each test user (e.g. both rating predictions and top-*N* recommendations, or rankings before and after a reranking stage). All batch inference interfaces support parallel processing over users, and the same parallel configuration (see :ref:`parallelism`). The resulting item list collections can be converted to data frames (:py:meth:`~lenskit.data.ItemListCollection.to_df`) to be saved in any format supported by Pandas; future LensKit versions will add support for directly storing them in other formats such as DuckDB, and loading them from such formats. Evaluating Recommendations -------------------------- The evaluation logic has seen significant updates and improvements and API changes. The :py:mod:`lenskit.splitting` module contains various facilities for data splitting, including equivalents of the splitting strategies that used to live in ``lenskit.crossfold``; see :ref:`splitting` for details on data splitting. These functions now operate on data sets and return item list collections instead of data frames. To measure recommendations, use the various metrics in :py:mod:`lenskit.metrics`, and the :py:mod:`lenskit.metrics.RunAnalysis` class provides support for analyzing *runs* (sequences of recommendation lists produced by an algorithm in an experimental condition). It handles both ranking and prediction accuracy metrics in a single analysis interface, and also supports both listwise and global metrics (e.g. exposure metrics). We will be quickly building out additional metrics that take advantage of this functionality. See :ref:`evaluation` for details on metrics and analysis. :py:mod:`lenskit.metrics.RunAnalysis` replaces the old ``RecListAnalysis``, and provides better defaults (e.g. how users without recommendations are handled). Model Configuration Changes --------------------------- In line with the new component configuration framework (see :ref:`migrate-component-config`) and to make configuration more consistent between models, we have changed several configuration options and defaults. These changes for the most popular models are below: Cross-Model Standardization ........................... * All configuration options must be named, no positional options are accepted. * Any model that uses training epochs now uses the configuration option ``epochs`` (was previously ``iterations`` on some models). * Latent-feature models use the configuration option ``embedding_size`` to declare the embedding size. ALS ... The ALS models have the following configuration changes: * ``epochs`` and ``embedding_size`` as noted above. ``features`` is accepted as an input alias for ``embedding_size``. * ``save_user_embeddings`` is now ``user_embeddings``, with three options: ``True``, ``False``, and ``"prefer"``. k-NN .... The k-NN models have the following changes: * Max neighbors is now called ``max_nbrs`` instead of ``nnbrs`` (``k`` is accepted as an input alias).