Scoring Models#
Most recommendation pipelines are built around a scoring model that scores
items for a recommendation query (e.g., user). Standard top-N recommendation
uses these scores to rank items, and they can be used as inputs into other
techniques such as samplers and rerankers. Scorers are almost always
, and by convention are named XYZScorer
They typically take two inputs, the query (query) and the list of items to
score (items).
Scoring models are not limited to traditional pointwise scoring models such as matrix factorization. Many learning-to-rank models are also implemented as scorers, but using a model optimized with a rank-based loss function.
Baseline Scorers#
A user-item bias rating prediction model. |
Score items by their popularity. |
Classical Collaborative Filters#
Item-item nearest-neighbor collaborative filtering feedback. |
User-user nearest-neighbor collaborative filtering with ratings. |
Biased matrix factorization trained with alternating least squares [ZWSP08]. |
Implicit matrix factorization trained with alternating least squares [HKV08]. |
Biased matrix factorization for explicit feedback using SciKit-Learn's |
FunkSVD explicit-feedback matrix factoriation. |
Hierarchical Poisson factorization, provided by hpfrec. |
Utility Scorers#
These scorers are used to compose more sophisticated pipelines, usually involving multiple pipelines.
Scoring component that fills in missing scores using a fallback. |